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Welcome to DHSK Commerce College

The clear vision, enormous zeal and untiring efforts of the prominent intellectuals and citizens of the region and able guidance by the eminent educationists like late Dr. L. P. Dutt and late Dr. N.K. Basu resulted in the birth of Dibrugarh Hanumanbux Surajmal Kanoi (D.H.S.K.) Commerce College, the first full-fledged Commerce College in the North Eastern Region oflndia. The importance of introducing commerce education in Dibrugarh was felt by the visionaries of the town way back in the mid-twentieth century. To give shape to their vision, commerce classes at the intermediate level was first introduced in D.H.S.K. College in 1945 in the evening shift. The necessity of having a full-fledged commerce college was realised very soon by the students, academicians as well as the public in general which led to the establishment of D.H.S.K. Commerce College in 1960. The foundation stone of the present college building was laid by Late Morarji Desai, the then Finance Minister of India. Dibrugarh University came into being and also started functioning from this newly constructed college building till 1968.

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Sailen Gogoi

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Sailen Gogoi
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DHSK Commerce College's Motto

“The mission of the D.H.S.K. Commerce College is to promote learning by both students and faculty to achieve excellence in education”

• Making commerce education accessible to all sections of the society.

• Teach, guide and motivate the students by providing quality education.

• Inculcate the spirit of co-operation and healthy competition amongst the students.

• Mould the students towards creativity and excellence with dedication, devotion and discipline.

• Ensure physical, mental and moral growth and development of the students.

• Assist in character building by cultivating human and ethical values in the students.

• Synthesise the traditional and modern teaching tools for capacity building through all round development of the students.

• Facilitate, encourage and spread education for women empowerment.


Contact details of Anti Ragging Committee.
  1. Principal. = 9435908628
  2. Convenor, Anti Ragging Cell. = 9707214944
  3. Coordinator, IQAC. = 7002098231
  4. Member - 1. = 9854431868
  5. Member - 2. = 9706002791
  6. Member - 3. = 9089465242
  7. Member - 4. = 8486052509
  8. Member – 5. = 9707952640

The following is the SHE-Box online complaints link from the Ministry of Women and Child Development: https://shebox.nic.in/stateGov/registerUser

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Apprenticeship for Graduate of General Streams

Click to join via WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/FuqsX1Vg1BQAS9SOy2ALXn
The National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) is a flagship program under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The Ministry of Education, GoI has entrusted "Board of Practical Training, Eastern Region", BOPT(ER) with the responsibility of implementing apprenticeship training for general stream graduates which comes under the purview of The Apprentices (Amendment) Act 2014. It is expected that the graduates in general streams (such as B.A., BSc., B.Com.) also will enable to bridge the gap between educational qualification and practical (hands-on) experience and the candidates will be highly benefitted in acquiring better career opportunities similar to Engineering Graduates.

For more information click on the link:
The passed out students (within last 5 years) are advised to enroll in the portal link provided below to avail the opportunity of Apprenticeship Training under National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) of Govt. of India.
The portal link : www.portalbopter.com
Please visit us at: www.bopter.gov.in

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